Florian Gargaillo

Florian Gargaillo

Associate Professor

语言 & 文学


  • Ph.D. English 文学, Boston University, 2018.
  • M.A. English 文学, Boston University, 2012.
  • M.A. English 文学, Université de Bourgogne, France, 2010.
  • LLCE English 文学, Université de Bourgogne, France, 2009.

"I am an Associate Professor in the Department of 语言 和 文学 at Austin Peay State University, where I teach 和 write about twentieth-century poetry 和 同性恋群体的研究. I also serve as Secretary of the Wallace Stevens Society. 

My first book, 回声 & 批判: Poetry 和 the Clichés of Public Speech (Louisiana State University Press, 2023), analyzes how postwar poets responded to the political doublespeak of their era by taking specific phrases (like “transfer of population,” “service the target” or “revenue enhancement”), 和 then putting pressure on them, examining their implications, 和 complicating them within a poem. 在 同时, 回声 & 批判 argues that poets used this technique to weigh their own susceptibility to the clichés of public discourse.

I have published articles in such venues as MLQ, Essays in Criticism, Philological Quarterly, Modernism / modernity, Journal of Modern 文学, Twentieth-Century 文学, The Yale ReviewThe Journal of Commonwealth 文学. I have also reviewed contemporary poetry for Colorado Review Online, 芝加哥审查, PN审查, Harvard Review Online, 和 雨的出租车."

  • Modern 和 contemporary poetry (American, British, Irish).
  • Queer literature 和 theory

  1. 回声 & 批判: Poetry 和 the Clichés of Public Speech. Louisiana State University Press, 2023.


  1. “Dorothy Parker Among the Poets.” Literary Imagination 25.1 (2023): 53-67.
  2. “Graffiti 和 the British Postwar Poem.” Genre: Forms of Discourse 和 Culture 55.2 (2022): 141-159.
  3. “Adrienne Rich’s Cartographies: Maps 和 Mapping in the Poetry 和 Prose.” Arizona Quarterly 78.2 (2022): 121-143.
  4. “Queer Allusion: Wilde, 所, Cullen.” Modern Language Quarterly 83.1 (2022): 57-80.
  5. “Langston Hughes, the Blues, 和 the Distance between Poetry 和 Song.” Modernism/modernity 28.3 (2021): 497-509.
  6. “‘Unknown 和 Unknowable’: Animal Selves in the Bird Poems of E.E. 卡明斯.” Philological Quarterly 100.2 (2021): 209-230.
  7. “Louise Glück 和 Dialogue.” Paideuma: Modern 和 Contemporary Poetry 和 Poetics 45 (2021): 223-240.
  8. “The Divided Selves of Edna St. Vincent Millay.” Literary Imagination 23.1 (2021): 69-79.
  9. “Wistful Lies 和 Civil Virtues: R和all Jarrell on World War II Propag和a.” Journal of Modern 文学 43.3 (2020): 45-63.
  10. “Philip Larkin 和 Envy.” Essays in Criticism 70.2 (2020): 199-220.
  11. “Knowing Limits: Adrienne Rich in Rhyme.” Twentieth-Century 文学 65.4 (2019): 393-410.
  12. “Relations to Knowledge: The Trope of the Book in Stevens’s Poetry.” The Wallace Stevens Journal 42.2 (2018): 176-190.
  13. “Seamus Heaney 和 the Clichés of Public Talk.” Philological Quarterly 97.1 (2018): 97-119.
  14. “Kamau Brathwaite’s Rhythms of Migration.” The Journal of Commonwealth 文学 53.1 (2018): 155-168.
  15. “‘回声es of Cruelty 和 Nonsense’ in Stevie Smith.” Modern Language Quarterly 79.1 (2018): 81-104.
  16. “John Clare 和 the Early Poems of Seamus Heaney.” Essays in Criticism 67.2 (2017): 175-194.
  17. “Anthony Hecht’s Controlled Disorder.” The Yale Review 104.3 (2016): 62-69.
  18. “What Tone Allows: Robert Lowell on François Villon.” Literary Imagination 16.2 (2014): 191-209.
  19. “Tough Love: W.H. 奥登和A.E. 所.” The Cambridge Quarterly 43.2 (2014): 139-156.


  1. “Poetry 和 Propag和a.” The Cambridge Companion to American Poetry 和 Politics since 1900, ed. 丹尼尔·C. Morris (Cambridge University Press, 2023), 36-51.


  1. “‘Siren voices lost at dawn’: Nancy Cunard, T.S. Eliot, 和 the Place of the Artist.” Literary Matters 12.1 (Winter 2020).
  2. “Sounding Lowell: Derek Walcott 和 Louise Glück.” Literary Matters 9.4 (October 2017).
  3. “Mary McCarthy 和 Public Language.” Literary Matters 9.3(2017年6月).
  4. “Delmore Schwartz, Again.” PN审查 230 (July-August 2016): 71-3.


  1. On Jesus Comes to Me as Judy Garl和大卫·J.S. 皮克林. Colorado Review of Books (December 15, 2021).
  2. On 傻瓜, by Mary Ruefle. Colorado Review of Books (June 29, 2021).
  3. On French translations of Wallace Stevens by Gilles Mourier. The Wallace Stevens Journal 44.2 (2020): 295-297.
  4. On 视线, by Arthur Sze. Colorado Review of Books (August 9, 2019).
  5. On Peaches Goes It Alone, by Frederick Seidel. Colorado Review of Books (January 30, 2019).
  6. On Wild Is the Wind, by Carl Phillips. PN审查 244 (2018): 75-76.
  7. On Losers Dream On, by Mark Halliday. Colorado Review of Books (2018年5月14日).
  8. On The If Borderl和s: Collected Poems, by Elise Partridge. Dublin Review of Books 93 (2017).
  9. On Morning, Paramin, by Derek Walcott 和 Peter Doig. 雨的出租车 22.2 (2017): 46.
  10. On 抹大拉, by Marie Howe. Harvard Review Online (April 11, 2017).
  11. On 所有的诗, by Stevie Smith, edited by Will May. 芝加哥审查 60.2 (2016): 163-169.
  12. On Aeneid Book VI, translated by Seamus Heaney. Kenyon Review Online (November 2016).
  13. On Dickens’s Style, edited by Daniel Tyler. Essays in Criticism 65.1 (2015): 109-115.